Steelers Coaching Staff Back for 3 More Years Behind the Bench.

Steelers owner Tony Smith has confirmed that he has extended the contracts of head coach Aaron Fox and assistant Carter Beston-Will for the next three seasons.
Both Fox and Beston-Will had one year remaining on their existing deals but Smith felt it was time to reward his coaching staff with new deals “We believe we have the best coaches in the league and wanted to ensure that we retained them.
“I’m delighted to have Aaron and Carter committed to the Steelers for the next three seasons, they are both first class people who have bought into the whole Steelers project 100%.
“I know I can leave the hockey side of the business to them, fully trusting that they will make the right decisions for not only the Steelers but the whole hockey club, our today and our tomorrow.
“The relationship between owner and head coach is perhaps the most important one in any sporting club and I’m pleased at how Aaron and I work together. I think after the past five years we understand each other pretty well and think alike.
“I trust him and the decisions he makes for us and I’m thrilled that he has decided to remain with the club, help us grow stronger and be even more successful in the years ahead.
“Carter certainly has learned so much from Aaron’s leadership and coaching, he also has the same work ethic that you need in this business. We understand how important Carter is to the coaching and off ice team, his inclusion was important in setting out the team’s future”.
Fox was delighted to be returning and confirmed his relationship with Tony Smith and his family was paramount in making the decision “I work for a really professional organisation and they way Tony and his family have treated me over the past five years has been outstanding.
“From a personal point of view I have a young family that is settled and happy here, their childhood is important to me and we feel the best place for them is here in Sheffield.
“From a hockey perspective, I’ve been allowed to build a team with the full support of ownership and all at the club. When I arrived here the job was to close the gap on Cardiff and Belfast and we did that, last year succeeding in winning all three trophies on offer.
“We now know that we are the team that others are looking at and chasing now, that brings new pressures and we are excited to take them on and try and do it all over again whilst exploring the challenges of the CHL and European competition.
“Having Carter return is also important, we have worked together for a long time and every year his responsibilities grow. Next season he will take on the role as Associate Coach and have bigger voice inside the room.
“We have an exceptional core group of players returning, we still have a few positions to fill but I am confident that when September comes we will be ready and able to push forward and enjoy another exciting season”.