Sonny Had the Best Night

When you meet your hero & he is even better than you thought

Many of you would have seen that we highlighted young Sonny on the scoreboard last night and promised him the best Steelers night, well we think and certainly hope we delivered

Sonny has had a tough start to his life so it was only right that we all gave him a special night to remember and that meant the help of Steelers captain Robert Dowd.

Sonny had asked for just one thing for Christmas, a Steelers #75 Dowd shirt and Dad Tim had asked if there was a way Dowdy could give him his present early, once we heard Sonny’s back story Dowdy not only agreed but arranged for a little bit more as well.

First things first …

Post game Sonny, Tim and Bella came down to the team bench, it was all a surprise for Sonny who didn’t know anything about what was about to happen.

Dowdy appeared with Sonny’s present, the two headed to the bench for a photo on their own and then with the grown ups.

Afterwards there was time for a chat and Dowdy then presented a Steelers goody bag that he had arranged for Sonny with caps, stickers, cards, foam hands and Steelers chocolate inside

Shirt on and time for an autograph on the back

When you meet your new best friend and hero and he is even better than you thought …

That’s Dowdy.

The Night was still young …

Dowdy had arranged special access for Sonny in to the stretch room and dressing room, where only the very lucky people go …

This is where Sonny met the rest of the team for photos and to get his shirt signed

First up was Matt Greenfield.

Up next were Mark Simpson, Nikki and Brandon

Scott Allen and Mitchell Balmas got in on the act as well signing the shirt and having this photo taken.

In to the dressing room …

Where Sonny met a lot more of the team including Kevin Tansey, Brett Neumann and Danial Ciampini

One Special Stall …

Inside the room there was one special stall that Sonny wanted to see, where Robert Dowd sat

So we showed up and Sonny go to sit where his Hero sits come game time

Just look at all those signatures, what a great night Sonny.

He had to take his shirt off to take a look himself.

One final catch up with Carter and it was time to leave

We hope you had the best night Sonny

Dowdy and boys say you are welcome back any time

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