Two NEW Online Raffles Now Available

Win a Suite for Sunday or A Game Worn Steelers Shirt of your choice.

This week you have not one chance, but two chances to win a great Steelers prize online.

Raffle 1: Win a Suite at the Arena for Sunday’s Game

Win a Suite for 12 people at the Utilita Arena for this Sunday’s game Vs. Dundee Stars

12 Seats, Match Day Programmes, Car Park Passes and a visit from Steeler Dan

Tickets Just £1 Each … “Buy HERE

Raffle 2. Win an Away Game Worn Shirt of Your Choice

Yes, you decide which shirt you win.

Also, the player you choose will present the shirt to you on the team bench this Sunday

Tickets Just £1 Each … Buy “HERE”

The draw for the Suite at the arena ends on Thursday 25th January at 8.00pm

The draw for the Steelers Game Worn Shirt of your choice ends at 12 midday on Sunday 28th January